
【川根本町民インタビュー vol.14】 Shyan Kishore(バンスリ奏者)





Shyan Kishoreさん(以下、シャイアンさん)はバンスリ奏者である。かつては世界中で演奏をしてまわり、いまはここ川根本町で暮らしている。じつに物腰のやわらかい方で、その語り口は―誰しもこういう経験の一つや二つはあると思うのだけど―川べりに座ってただ何もしないでいた時間を思いださせる。滔々と流れていく水、ときおり渦を巻いたり速さを増したりする水、ちらりと跳ねかえる陽の光。私たちに見えるのは水面だけ、でもその下には地の溝を埋めて行きかう巨大な水のうねりが感じられる。そこには一定の音調があったが、シャイアンさんの声には似たものがある。


さて、語りの川べりに行っていただく前に、いくつかの基本的な情報をお伝えしなければならないだろう。まずバンスリとは何か。北インド古典音楽の主要な楽器の一つで、竹でつくられた横笛を指す。サンスクリット語でbans (बाँस) は竹、sur (सुर)はメロディーを意味する。ヒンドゥー教にそれなりに関心がある方なら、ヴィシュヌ神の化身クリシュナ神がいわゆるアトリビュートとしてその横笛を携帯している図像を見たことがあるかもしれない。ヒマラヤ山麓の竹からつくられたこの笛は、吹きこまれた息を、低く深く、湧き上がってくるような音へと変えることができる。




28年前、当時イギリスに住んでいたシャイアンさんはインド音楽のレコードを聴き、バンスリに出会った。3週間後にインドへ旅立ち、3か月間インドでバンスリを習った。師として仰いだのは、インド古典音楽界の巨匠 Pt.ハリプラサッド・チャウラシアだった。その後も修行を重ね、やがてシャイアンさんは世界中を旅して演奏活動をするようになった。そうやって26年近くが経った。自身のアルバムはすでに30以上リリースした。すでに世界的にひとかどのバンスリ奏者だった。ところが。いま彼は日本の片田舎、川根本町に居を構え、暮らしている。いったい何があったのだろう。いったい彼は何を考えているのだろう。







― シャイアンさんが川根で暮らしはじめるまでのことを聞かせてください。


































それから数年が経ち、ちょうどコロナウイルスが流行りはじめた頃のことでした。僕はタイにいたんですが、日本行きのフライトが中止になってしまいました。そんなことはこれまで一度もなかったのに。僕はいくらか困惑し、考えました。どうしたらいいだろうか?タイで旅を続けてどこか別の行き先がひらめくまで待つべきだろうか? そうやっていくつかの可能性を検討していたわけですが、第一候補として日本がずっと浮かんでいて、だから僕は日本に行かなければならないという運命を感じたんです。僕は別のフライトを予約し、無事日本にやってきます。
































― この家に住むようになってからの暮らしについて聞かせてください。




































Rasa Masala


About Shyan Kishore




― English version ―


A Story from Guatemala to Kawane


― The thing what I want to know at first is, what brought you here?


It’s a long, long story.


In the year 2012 at the end of the Mayan Calendar, I was in Guatemala and I met Miya and Miki, my friends who run the guest house called açai which is in the same village, Kawane Honcho. 


We were staying at Atitlan Lake which happened to be a very magical place renowned for having a lot of Shamanism and spiritual activities. It is a spiritually vibrant place you could say. So together we explored the area and went to some ceremonies and other such activities.


On the day at the end of the Mayan calendar, we stayed up and watched the sun come up at the end of the land in one area looking over a big lake. 


Everyone was very happy. The sun came up today and it wasn't the end of the world as had been predicted. And so it was like a new birth, a new era, a new start. And so it was a very great time for new friendships to blossom.


Miya and Miki  told me of their dream which was to go back to Japan and find some area where they could create a guest house, which is now açai (a farmhouse for only one group per a day in Kawane Honcho).

So about four years later I went to Japan. And then Miya and Miki  invited me to come and play music in their place. So I went to their place and I was playing music, but I forgot that they said their dream was to make a guesthouse. While playing, I suddenly realized, oh, this is their dream. I am playing music inside their dream that they've manifested into reality.


Then a few years later I was back in Japan and I was invited to perform in a restaurant and I didn't know where it was. I was just following some friends and we ended up at the event space in the evening. It happened to be Kaze Koubou (a cafe & restaurant in Kawane Honcho). And then suddenly Miya and Miki came and I said, “what are you guys doing here?” And they said, “this is our area where we live and we remember you came here to perform in our place before.” “I'm sorry I didn't even know where I was,” I replied. 


I wasn't thinking.  I let things happen very naturally. Musical connections and inspiration have been my guide for many,  many years. Anyway, so I ended up in Kaze Koubou.


And Miya said, “Hey, look, this couple in the audience are very nice friends of ours and they have some questions for you about the music. They're very curious.”


Usually in Japan I find that people are not responding to music performances by feeling the emotions expressed, and by simply appreciating the transformative effect experienced due to vibrational influence. They tend to want to understand the creative experience with their mind. And so it seems important that artists give long speeches about their art, and answer a number of questions.


I usually get a bit frustrated with people who want to ask so many questions about the music, because I still don't actually understand Indian classical music, and even Indian people don't really understand it fully. It's very flexible. If you venture into it, you end up going into an ocean. There's like many rivers, but the rivers just end up disappearing into an ocean of endless possibilities. Indian music is very much like that.


And maybe it's because Indian music is reflective of Hinduism. My style of music is Hindustani music. Hinduism also seems to have this kind of flexibility and multi layered kind of potential. You can't really define or categorize. That's really something I find quite magical and fascinating about India's art in general. India's art and spiritual attitude seems to be something you can't encapsulate into one category.


Let's get back to the story. So usually I get tired of attempting to explain what Indian Classical music is, but on this occasion my intuition came really strong and I felt guided to just sink into presence. Maybe the questions aren't important. Maybe the answers aren't important, but just being present with each other will allow a nice comfortable connection to happen. Perhaps Japanese people ask questions and demonstrate curiosity in this manner as an excuse to simply feel present with others and enjoy connecting with the same atmospheric vibration. So I trusted the situation and I went with the flow. 


They asked some very nice questions and they were very interested and very excited with my answers. Especially with the concept of Indian music, in my opinion, being 96 percent improvisation.


I think the concept of improvisation exists in Japan, but I'd say probably in this country it's the least popular approach to music. People here tend to practice and  play something in earnest that somebody else has already composed, rather than creating something new and fresh according to their feelings in relation to the present situation here and now. But anyway, this couple were very nice and very happy. 


Then some years later,  just at the time when Coronavirus was starting, I was in Thailand but my flight to Japan got canceled. It's the first time that's ever happened to me. So I was kind of confused and so asked myself “What should I do? Should I just continue traveling in Thailand and wait until I have some other inspiration for somewhere else to go?” But then when I explored my possibilities, Japan kept on coming up as the best option, and so I felt a calling that I have to go to Japan. So I booked another flight and I was successful.


I contacted some friends in a few different areas in Japan and asked if they knew of any houses that we can rent or buy. However the second option wasn't so realistic because we didn't have so much money to be able to buy a house.


Then, maybe because I was kind to Miya and Miki in Guatemala and I kind of encouraged them to get involved in the community of travelers, local people and things that were happening in Guatemala that I was enjoying, they felt some gratitude towards me and felt that they wanted to give something in return. I appreciate this kind of experience as, what I like to call ‘the circle nature’. It's called ‘Karma’ in India or ‘Goen’ in Japan.


They said, “yeah, come to our area and we'll help you to find a place.” And I was really, really happy and excited and I thought this is my sign.  So we came here and they were really kind. Then eventually we followed them to one particular house to meet some friends of theirs that they felt could help.


And when these friends opened the door, it happened to be the people who I had answered the questions for in the Kaze Koubou concert. And so they got very excited as soon as they saw me. The first thing they said was “kyujyuroku percent Sokkyo!!” And then they said, “we're so happy because you were so kind, and so we want to be kind to you. So yes, we know a place. Come follow us.” They happened to be the caretakers of a house. 


They had kept it a secret, but for some reason for us, they wanted to show this house. The lesson for me regarding this is that, if you just simply give your time, people often appreciate such a gift so much and are happy to give what may be of value to you in return. Because giving your time is giving yourself. It's a very precious thing. This was for me the lesson of this whole process of discovering and receiving this house. 


So they said that this house may be free because it is in such terrible condition. I think that nobody would actually want to live in this house. “Really, does this happen in Japan? Is it possible to be given a house?” I questioned. 


We started to play with the idea of, “what if this became our house?” “ It's a lot of work but maybe it could look pretty nice.” “ Yeah, why not? Let's see what happens.” So this couple contacted the owner who lives in Tokyo.


And then on the day of my birthday, we were in Aichi and there was a phone call. It was the house owner. Even if he hadn't met us, he said that we can have the house. It was interesting that it was confirmed on my birthday. My reborn day. 


Anyway, I felt like it was time to have a house. I've been traveling for so many years and working so hard with my musical career, but I was getting quite tired of traveling, especially around the same circuits trying to build up my options, connections, etc. for my music. I need to just stay in one place. I felt that I needed a house, otherwise I would have to still continue touring. So it felt like it was the right time.


Many people think that you give a service and you get a certain amount of  money, or you give a particular product and you get a certain amount of money. You give this much energy and you get this much energy. But I feel that ‘the circle of nature’ works in a much more mysterious way, and that time is an illusion. So sometimes you can give energy here and then it will ripple and it will come back in another time, in another situation, in another manifestation. “Why have I got this? Ah, it may be because I did this 10 years ago.” As an example.


I think it's very rare now that people can understand how the flow of energy in a community functions. When you look at things with more appreciation of nature, rather than with the  limited mental processes most humans function with these days, magic can be experienced everywhere.


So, it didn't surprise me that this house had come. I realized, “yes, in some way I have given a lot of energy into reality, so yes, we've got this house and deserve it.


And then, we started to do a lot of work on this house. It was very hard, but rewarding. We realized that the previous owners had all been spiritually motivated. The previous owner was a Christian Priest. There was also a Christian woman who was living here after he left to live in Tokyo. Before her, there was a Buddhist nun living here, and before the nun, there was a monk who made the house. So there had been four spiritually-focused people living in the house before we came. And I don't know if we're spiritually motivated, but music itself is very spiritual. 


This house is called “House of Dreams(Yume-no-Ie)”. This house was also a kind of children’s school which was run by the nun who lived here.  We didn’t name it, but it is a very appropriate name for the house. Anyway, we've connected with a house that has been a home for these kinds of people and now we are happy that it is our home.


Shyan’s Life in this Town


― Since you started to live in this house, how do you live in Kawane Honcho?


The way I enjoy spending my time is to reform my house. I give a lot of time and energy to that. I spend a lot of time also making albums which I sell online. I work in collaboration with very great musicians all around the world who record themselves in their studios in their countries. We share files online and together we create projects.

Sometimes, I do some other kinds of work helping people. I sometimes work on my neighbor’s tea farm. He lives down the road and a few times he’s been nominated as the number-one tea farmer in Japan. That way, I can make a little bit of money and also feel that I'm helping the community as well.

Masha, my wife and I  also organize cultural and art events in which we  perform music and dance. We also include other local musicians,  story tellers, caterers and craft makers so that we are helping to support the community and encourage the flow of creativity and inspiration amongst the people here.

I feel that in Japan, world music is not appreciated as much as it is in other countries. There's not so many venues for world music or dance performances. Big concert halls usually only welcome Western classical music performances or Japanese traditional performances such as kabuki. There is also not any world music, or dance organizers and promoters, or anything like this. So we have to do everything ourselves. So usually we have to take the option of performing in yoga studios or in temples.  


It's nice to perform in a temple or yoga studio, but the difference is that in other countries, world music and dance is considered to be of such value that there will be an abundance of promoters and organizers and various types of suitable venues to support it. There are usually many more possibilities to perform in very big venues with very professional sound and lighting engineers providing support. They will often also pay for our flights, pay for our accommodation, pay for our transport and food and all our other requirements. However, I've never had anybody offer to pay for my flight to come and perform in Japan. And even after all these years of performing, nobody here seems to know me. 


Once I tried to perform in Tokyo, one of the biggest cities in the world. Millions of people live there. However, it took me five years just to build up some connections. We made very nice promotional artistic presentations representing our concerts and we sent invites to all of our connections through a variety of social media channels. Our first performance after several months of promotion, which was in a little studio room in somebody’s house in the middle of the countryside on the outskirts of the city, only managed to attract five audience participants. The second performance took place in a dirty and dark storage room in the back of a shop in Tokyo city center. Also only five people came. It’s like a miracle. After such an experience I felt as though I could be in The world record book for the most unsuccessful and unpopular musician ever! Of course I'm joking, but it was a disaster. 


So regarding their sense of value towards world music and art, I admit that I have been very unimpressed by the attitude of Japanese people. Music is recognised only to be a hobby in Japan rather than a respectable profession. A paying audience participant is apparently considered as God. The service giver is below them and must act under pressure to give a satisfactory service.


It's the opposite in other countries such as India, where musicians are considered as a doorway to God. So the musicians are raised on a stage. They have to always have a mat to sit upon because it represents the containment of the energy created by the musicians. A kind of protection. It serves to symbolize a flying vehicle. Also nobody directs their feet towards the musicians because the soul of the foot is considered as dirty and represents the lowest part of consciousness. There's many different ways in which the audience will show a lot of respect. Sometimes, they will go around to each musician and bow down to their feet so as to receive a blessing because the music that the musician channels is considered to be the highest level of spiritual experience. In yogic science, sound is recognised as the last door to open to the ultimate truth of realization. So if you are a musician, you're very, very respected in a country such as India.


In Japan, that’s not the case. It’s not an ideal place for musicians like us to flourish. Our career potential is quite stunted in growth. But somehow, my musical experiences have connected in a flow which have guided me to Japan. And not just music but there are other reasons why I feel comfortable in the context of Japan. And so I am here. This is where I am. 


And by comparison, I would say that the attitude of the people who live in Kawane Honcho is more similar to people of other countries towards world art. People seem to have a little bit more curiosity. I think there are quite a few people now who have moved into the area from other countries, and so their positive attitude has helped to excite the local people of Kawane Honcho and to make them feel more relaxed and more open to explore new things. So basically, the Kawane Honcho people, I think, are gradually opening up to embrace world music and art more than people of a lot of other areas in Japan. 


We didn't know anything about the attitude of the people here in the beginning. We just followed the natural guidance of connections. Especially my connection with my friends Mia and Miki. I think the reason why my friends trusted that this would be a good area for us is because they themselves have traveled and they themselves are more curious about other cultures, music and art. And they feel comfortable living here. Perhaps because they feel supported and appreciated here too. 

I have also started an African percussion workshop. I want to continue with that and I hope that more people will participate and enjoy such an activity. And also I hope to get some more students who would like to learn how to play Bansuri. I have several enthusiastic students now, but am always open to welcome more.  And I want to continue playing concerts. We've actually had a house/garden concert here three years in a row. We get many chairs from the community center and we put them in the garden. At each event we have had about 70 people come from the community and even from other areas to participate. And we perform from a terrace that I built that serves nicely as a stage. 


So really to answer one of your questions, which is, “why did you come to Kawane Honcho in the beginning?” Maybe I didn't know, but after I see all the people in the garden and feel the sense of community here and realize we are giving something that people value, then I understand that's why I came here! Sometimes the reason why things are happening the way that they are only makes sense later.


One of my motivations is that I want to show people who don't believe that they can live their dreams, that they actually can. You can be your natural self. You can discover what qualities you can offer to the community. And then, if you continue focusing on that and trusting that, you can excel. And you can be happy.


This is the lesson that I want to give, not by preaching or speaking, but just by being an example. You can be yourself because I'm being myself. You can be happy because I'm happy. You can discover your voice, your expression, your tool of service because I have.



風間竜多さん(両国吊り橋茶屋capra シェフ)

